Triptych by Minviendha

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Things turn on the head of a pin...Maeglin in thirds, or at three points in his life. Arc, of sorts; in which some motives are explored.

Major Characters: Aredhel, Eöl, Idril, Maeglin, Turgon

Major Relationships:



Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 931
Posted on 20 September 2009 Updated on 20 September 2009

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Triptych

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I really enjoyed this! The first "panel" captures Maeglin's childlike voice very well, as it does the terror he and Aredhel faced in Eol's home. In the second section, my heart broke for Maeglin, receiving news of his mother's death and being called to witness his father's execution in the same breath, feeling that he must remain stalwart in order to prove himself to Turgon. (And how dark of Turgon to watch so closely his response! *shiver*)

But I think that the last section is the strongest. You build this up so well: his hopes and expectations of romance with Idril coupled with his feelings of alienation. When he discovers her with Tuor, it feels like a punch in the gut. I particularly liked how you associated his feelings for Idril with the joy and acceptance he felt with Aredhel. Too many stories, I think, take Maeglin's love of Idril as a perversion that was not reciprocated, even in friendship, but I like that you've given it a more innocent and natural evolution, making it easier to see how Maeglin has lost women he's loved twice now and how his emotions might become warped as a result.