Many Journeys by Elleth

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Galadriel has come into possession of the One Ring. AU set during LotR, but mentions Silmarillion characters and motivations.

She is Queen now. Water always answered to her, but now she can call forth fire, raise and crumble mountains with the gold band on her finger, cause tempests or force the very air into submission. The fiery Eye of the Dark Lord has always been on Lothlórien in hatred, fear and envy. Him she will vanquish next. The Nazgûl are already kneeling at her feet, and even their winged beasts bow their heads to her. She smiles.

Lothlórien will never wither, the mellyrn will bloom forever. At last, after so many ages her uncle's words of rebellion yielded fruit. The golden leaves will never fall again. She is the last of the children of Arafinwe and the greatest, and has come into her own. This land is hers, what need has she for Valinor, what need for passing tests, the pardon of the Valar, love, kinship, sunlight? The Eldar are the people of the Stars, the sun has always been a sign of their fading. No longer. She is Queen now.

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