Many Journeys by Elleth

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Recall Some Pity

During the Dagor Bragollach, Fingon's first official act as High King. A double-drabble according to Open Office.

It has become a prayer that springs quickly to Fingon's lips, because it saved him once: O King to whom all birds are dear. They call it the Long Peace, but every so often when the hordes pouring from Angband make it another trial of strength, he finds the High King cursing with his head in his hands, and that marks another commencement of long night-councils and casualty reports, pinched faces and fell-eyed kin who regard the Second House with disdain and yet know that standing alone is impossible. But despite the prayer, the King of Birds sends no envoy.


Through the smoke he yells commands and fights his horse onto the road, wishing for wings to speed him to his father. His eyes are red and wild when he finds Rochallor gone upon arrival. The hooftracks fade north into the piles of ash.

His father's desolate people already hail him High King, but he only answers with his prayer: O King to whom all birds are dear! And at last there is the beat of mighty wings. So it is that Fingon's first official act commands Thorondor: You saved Maedhros, now fly to save my father, bear him home.

Chapter End Notes

The title and the quote, O King to whom all birds are dear, are of course from the Silmarillion, specificially the scenario of Maedhros' rescue.

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