January Challenge: Jubilee
In celebration of our twentieth birthday year, create for any of our past challenges and earn stamps that you missed!
Not every idea makes it into a finished piece in its original form! J.R.R. Tolkien worked on his legendarium for decades, and while a few things didn’t change much, over that time some of the early ideas were altered considerably. In this month’s challenge, we invite you to consider some of the rejected concepts from the early legendarium.
Prompts for this challenge can be used in any way that you want. You do not have to create something about the specific "rejected canon" that is in the prompt. You could consider another character's perspective if this canon detail was true, or you could consider what happened in the story on either side of the event: the history leading to the rejected canon, or the history that came after it. The prompt can factor in to your fanwork as much or as little as you would like. If a prompt is not a good fit for you, let the mods know, and we'll pick something new for you.
To receive a prompt, comment on our Dreamwidth, send us an ask on Tumblr, post in the the #monthly-challenges channel on our Discord, or message us through the SWG site.
Many thanks to Zdenka for creating this month's banner and stamps!
This challenge opened in .
Choose your prompt from the collection below.
Salgant gets some unexpected gifts
-Arda is filled with "brownies, fays, pixies, leprawns, and what else are they not called, for their number is very great"-
Little Denethor is playing by the river, when he happens to look up into the trees. And the trees look back.
Little Luthien has a strange encounter one night.
Embittered by Aldarion's departure on a long overseas journey against her will, Erendis dismisses the pair of wonderful Elven-birds that were given to her by visitors from Tol Eressea during her honeymoon. The birds briefly visit Erendis's parents on their flight back to Tol Eressea, but will not let themselves be touched and afterwards, it seems, they are not seen or heard again in Numenor.
"Sweet fools, fly away!" Erendis said. "This is no place for such joy as yours."
I have written a fix-it for the loss of the Elven-birds, sort of.
Two dwarves have a special catch in their nets. Old oaths and curses need a solution before the last witnesses of the First Age sail to the West.
Elwë was not the first Elf Melian drew into Nan Elmoth. He was the first of them to survive. A love story, of sorts.
The sea-longing returns to Tuor, and he hopes he might be allowed to sail West, for the miseries of Middle-earth only grow and no place feels safe enough.
Earendil's stories of his voyages are passed down through the years.
The men were found by the avarin elf Nuin and after this the avari decided to adopt pretty much the atani and this change a lot of things in the history of Beleriand, all thanks to a curious elf
Carphadril, Queen of the Evair, moves against the King and Queen of Doriath, a threat to her rule. She raises a son who - she hopes - will wed Luthien and claim the throne of the other great forest realm for her.
A spooky story has instilled a fear of spiders in young Elrond and Elros. Fortunately, Eärendil has returned from his latest sea voyage with a tale that will put their fears to rest.
Later, the boys tell Maglor of their father's exploits.
Two natural philosophers struggle to warn the Faithful that the end of Númenor is approaching. But can sworn enemies find a way forward in the midst of the final tumult?
Elrond took his library with him to Valinor. In that archive are many things, and the librarians and archivists of Cîr Imladris (New Rivendell) are kept delightfully busy.