Many Journeys by Elleth

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A drabble according to Open Office, written for a Mini Challenge during Dewey's 24-hour Read-a-Thon: Maglor had one perpetual listener during his wanderings. What might she be thinking of him?

The Great Sea was aswim with memories: From all the sailors that had gone down storms, ideas, pictures, faces, thoughts had bled into her, and not been enough to slake her thirst. Lovers, unhappy or not, gave her poems and kisses and the memory of touch, and for a while the waves laughed on the shores of the world. The hapless taught her fear, and the innocent wonder. But most of all, for a star as their wedding gift, and five thousand years' worth of song, she kept her wanderer. Perhaps one day, giving himself, he might quench her hunger.

Chapter End Notes

Inspired, I think, at least in part, by reading Dawn Felagund's ofic, The Leaping.

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