Many Journeys by Elleth

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Brethil in Winter

Haleth yearns. Or does she?

"She dwells west across the mountains in the Mist-Land," says Haleth when they ask where her companion has gone, and then she lifts her eyes to the frost-dim window and the beeches of Brethil in winter. They expect her to yearn openly, she knows. Someone tucks the furs over her knees a little tighter, someone else presses a wooden bowl into her hand and urges her to drink - peppermint for memory, peppermint for this and that. She drops the bowl, followed with an exclamation of remorse as the contents splatter across the board - not true regret, of course, nor is she truly so doddering that her fingers can’t grasp some tea, not yet.

She feels her mouth twist over that one loose tooth at the minor din that arises; someone mops up the spilled liquid and a new bowl is put on the table before her seat. But instead of taking that, she pushes the furs aside and rises. Her guard are by her side immediately, smooth fingers curled around spears. She only wishes they were her own as she strides from the hall into the blistering cold and toward the stables. The snow lies high enough to crumble into her boots and melt there, soaking the wool of her trousers.

"Lady," says the newest recruit to the hall and lays a hand on her arm; she has not yet earned a torq to wear, and Haleth decides to forgive her the insult. "Where are you headed?"

"For a horse."

"And then?"

"Hithlum, to the Elf-King's sister. I’ve sent her away, but Otherworld take me if I can’t go to her. I’ve seen worse winters than this, and if I’m made to sit around another day, next I blink you’ll be chewing my meat for me. When Haldan returns, tell him I’ll bring back the spring from the west with me."

"But -"

"No. I can." She waves the girl away. "If you want to make yourself useful, pack my things. Go!

Chapter End Notes

Haleth/Lalwen is one of those random pairings that the source material doesn't give the slightest indication of, but then that's never stopped anybody from shipping other things...

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