Many Journeys by Elleth

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For the prompts:

Emotions: Joy
Formats and Genres: AU
Four Words: Early, skyline, almost, mask and proposal, drifting, lock, mortal
NSFW: Blindfolds

Idril has a proposal for Rían. (AU; Rían lives.)

It is early morning and the Echoriath are tinted pink with sunrise that has not yet touched the the skyline of Gondolin’s towers. It vanishes behind a mask of dark fabric coming down over her eyes, and warm lips come drifting over the curve of her shoulder. Rían stills and laughs softly, not to wake the sleeping city. “My lady,” she breathes, and the chuckle behind her gives away her lover. Mortal as she is, she never expected expected to find more than safety - indeed, find love anew, after her husband and homeland fell - in the Hidden City. For a time she wished to die, and might have perished grieving in the waste, had not the eagles seized and carried her from the Hill of the Slain. Might have, still, if not for Idril.

“I have a proposal to make, beloved,” Idril says against her skin. “Crown-gift you are called, and yet no crown graces your head.” Something touches her locks, feather-light. “I would change that, and gift you one - and gift myself. My father will allow it if you do.”

Impossible joy floods her; she pulls the blindfold loose to see Idril and her crown. “I will! I will!”

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