Many Journeys by Elleth

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On Nights of Rain

For the prompts:

Story Elements: A will-o’-the-wisp, Thunder
Four Words: Thunder, fragment, apple, arch and silver, tangle, rainfall, dormant
Lyrics and Poetry: “But the rain is full of ghosts tonight”

The Lady of the Blue Brooch dreams of her lover.

She dreams in fragments - rolling thunder and silver lightning over tangled branches, the arch of Nîniphêl’s back illuminated, and rainfall patterns cold over the hallowed pool. A will-o’-the-wisp leading her way that winter, sweet apples in the house under the river. That’s past, Ivriluin knows, yet can’t shake her encounters with the River-Daughter, especially on nights of rain. The memories won’t lie dormant; neither will she.

Her husband grunts, sleeps on, and turns over in the bed. Ivriluin reaches for the blue brooch she wears always on her shoulder, the smooth jewels, wishing she had the courage to run again.

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