Journeys by Aria
Fanwork Notes
Begun many years ago as a semi-sequel to an earlier story "Dreamer and the Minstrel". The story, Journeys is very much that, a telling of various characters journeys through a changing period of their lives.
Possibly AU, possibly not.
Hopefully, the story won't be breaking any rules since it does primarily concern Silm characters with any potential Lotr characters taking a backseat role.
Fanwork Information
Summary: A fic about hope unlooked for being found in the Fourth Age by one of Beleriands greatest minstrels. Perhaps a journeys end?
"A journey may start in any time or any place, but where that journey will end not even the Wise can say. Perhaps it never shall." Major Characters: Maglor Major Relationships: Genre: Drama Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 6 | Word Count: 23, 536 |
Posted on 8 April 2008 | Updated on 3 January 2010 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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