We were never meant to survive by lightofthetrees
Fanwork Notes
Written for the Queens of the Quill challenge.
The poem “A Litany for Survival” by Audre Lorde was my prompt. The last two stanzas stuck out to me in particular as having big Rog/House of the Hammer of Wrath energy, so that’s what inspired this fic(let).
And when the sun rises we are afraid
it might not remain
when the sun sets we are afraid
it might not rise in the morning
when our stomachs are full we are afraid
of indigestion
when our stomachs are empty we are afraid
we may never eat again
when we are loved we are afraid
love will vanish
when we are alone we are afraid
love will never return
and when we speak we are afraid
our words will not be heard
nor welcomed
but when we are silent
we are still afraid
So it is better to speak
we were never meant to survive.
Fanwork Information
Summary: An eagle arrives in Gondolin, bearing news of a great battle to come. Maeglin and Rog discuss their decision to march to war alongside the King. Major Characters: Maeglin, Rog Major Relationships: Genre: Ficlet Challenges: Queens of the Quill Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 2, 065 |
Posted on 9 May 2021 | Updated on 9 May 2021 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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