When Blossoms Bloomed by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Warnings: references to the fate of Dorthonion after the Dagor Bragollach and allusion to canonical character deaths.

Drabble poem written for prompts from tolkienshortfanworks, tolkien100 and Tolkien Weekly; for details see notes.

Fanwork Information


The refugees from Dorthonion arrive in Dor-lomin.
Rian attempts to embrace their new environment, while her cousin Morwen mourns.

Major Characters: Morwen, Rían

Major Relationships: Morwen & Rían

Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet, Poetry


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 103
Posted on 16 May 2021 Updated on 16 May 2021

This fanwork is complete.

When Blossoms Bloomed

Read When Blossoms Bloomed

Rian went out in the morning

to find forget-me-not.

In Dorthonion blooms

deadly nightshade.


Rian went out before dawn

to cull the red clover.

In Dorthonion grows

little but thorns.


Rian went out early

to weave a wreath of dog rose.

But in Dorthonion

vines strangle each other.


Rian came back

with an armful of blossoming branches.

In Dorthonion

ash still blows on the wind.


‘A fine morning, cousin,

see what I have brought you!’

Graves in Dorthonion,

and, worse, those who have no graves.


All the flowers of Dor-lomin

for the exiles of Dorthonion,

while Morwen still wears black.

Chapter End Notes

Written for the following prompts:

tolkienshortfanworks quotation prompt (May challenge)

There's not a budding boy or girl this day
But is got up and to bring in May.
A deal of youth ere this come
Back, and with white-thorn laden home.
-- Robert Herrick, "Corinna's Going a-Maying"

tolkien100 prompt:
When the Blossom Blooms

Also for the following prompts from the Flower challenge at Tolkien Weekly: forget-me-not, clover, rose.

100 words in MS Word

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