The Journal of Alatáriel, Missionary
There is little to be said about our brief time in Doriath. Our residence in Elwë’s sylvan realm lasted no longer than twenty years of the Sun [1] and was ended by the feast of Mereth Aderthad, held by Fingolfin near the pools of Ivrin. Thither journeyed myself and my affectionate Partner in the company of Elwë’s messengers, Mablung and Daeron, so that I might be reunited with my kinsmen and grant them the benefit of my counsels.[2] This I did, but to little avail; for I knew that the war against Angband was hopeless without the aid of the Valar, whereas my kinsmen were determined to prosecute such a war even under a Valarin ban. Furthermore, my advice that we should withdraw eastwards across the mountains of Ered Luin, befriending and teaching the benighted natives of the region, Elves and Men alike, and thereby prevent Melkor from discovering allies among them, was ill received.[3]
When I perceived that my policy had no hope of acceptance, I said to Teleporno, “We are given wisdom that we may use it, no matter the unwisdom of others;”[4] and when the feast was at an end, we departed eastwards as I had proposed. Thus it was that I first brought the wisdom of the Valar among the Silvan people, in whose earnest and grateful company I have ever after remained.[5]
[1] In fact, of course, Lady Galadriel dwelt in Doriath as Queen Melian’s pupil for the better part of the First Age, having gone with her brother Finrod to visit their kinsman, King Elu Thingol, and remained there upon falling in love with Lord Celeborn.
[2] Technically, it is true that Mablung, Daeron and Lady Galadriel attended Mereth Aderthad, the Feast of Reuniting; however, they certainly did not do so as a company, since Mereth Aderthad occurred prior to Lady Galadriel’s residency in Doriath and she still dwelt with her brother Finrod at this time.
[3] Here speaks the wisdom of hindsight, perhaps; in reality, this policy is not one that was advocated or even expressed by anyone, much less Lady Galadriel, at any point during the First Age.
[4] A traditional saying among the Silvans.
[5] A statement so grossly untrue that a full monograph would be required to correct it, given the lengthy and intricate sequence of events that eventually brought Lady Galadriel (and indeed Lord Celeborn) from Doriath to Lórinand by way of Sirion, Harlindon, Nenuial, Eregion, Imladris and Belfalas.
Chapter End Notes
A/N. I usually prefer to leave the links between my stories implicit; but in this specific instance, it seems only fair to point out that Chapter 8 of A Beleriand Treasury of Childish Tales may shed some light upon the circumstances surrounding the discovery of the Journal...