Breakfast with Sparrow by chrissystriped

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Breakfast with Sparrow

Written for the Middle-Earth Olympics prompt: Badminton


Mablung sat in the garden, eating bread with strawberry jam. Melkor had just gone inside to refill their cups and Mablung smiled when a bold sparrow landed on the backrest of the vacated chair, looking at him with beady, black eyes.

“Want some of my breakfast?”, he asked and broke off a piece of his bread, pushing it over the table.

The sparrow fluttered his wings nervously, but didn’t fly away.

“Come on, you can have it.”

Mablung leaned back. The bird hopped down on the table and quickly took up the crumb of bread in his beak before shooting away to the next tree.

“Who are you talking to?”, Melkor asked, coming out with their cups in his hands.

“Oh, I’m just trying to make a new friend”, Mablung said.

He nodded in the direction of the sparrow who was still watching them. Melkor laughed and kissed his cheek.

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