First crush in Amon Ereb by Aprilertuile

Fanwork Information


A few years after the kinslaying of Sirion, the twins are now 16 and well at the age they start to find people attractive.
Young Elrond seems to have his first crush, Maglor finds it hilarious, Maedhros is utterly horrified by the whole thing and so is Elros, but not for the same reasons.

Major Characters: Elrond, Elros, Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Slash


Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate


Chapters: 2 Word Count: 1, 583
Posted on 8 August 2021 Updated on 8 August 2021

This fanwork is complete.

1 - Someone has a crush

Read 1 - Someone has a crush

That day for lunch, they had somehow managed, despite their various duties, to be all together, Maedhros, Maglor, Elros and Elrond, around the table at the same time. The adults had been asking questions about the classes of the twins, enjoying the conversation as a lull in their busy days, and giving encouragement where encouragement was due.

It wasn’t easy to be so young and learn new skills when one was the youngest around, and only started to learn a few years ago compared to most around them who had a few more decades, if not centuries, of experience on them.

At the end of the meal, when Maedhros rose to follow Erestor to his office, Elrond followed him with his eyes, still blushing from when the red-head had addressed him and complimented his healing skill. Maglor at the table near him looked like he was barely restraining his laughter.

"Elrond! Elros hissed very much unimpressed.


-That's Maedhros you're looking at!

-You don't know that... it could be Erestor.

-Yeah, right. And you blushed when Maedhros talked to you because...?"

Elrond's blush worsened at that.

"I mean...

-Just stop it!

-Elros enough. Maglor called amused.

-It's Elrond you should stop. The child, teenager, huffed.

-Why, for a harmless crush?" Maglor chuckled amused.

Not like three fourth of their cousins hadn't had a crush on his brother once upon a time. Half of them at least had claimed at least once that when they'd be adult they'd marry him. Thankfully all of them had swiftly had their interest taken somewhere else at one point. It had still been a source of endless amusement for his siblings and himself, and of endless exasperation for Maedhros.

-It's Maedhros.


-He's ugly.

-He's scarred, it just shows that he's brave and overcame everything, and he's beautiful and strong and he knows like everything." Elrond corrected, forcing Maglor to strangle his laughter.

Elrond wouldn't like him laughing. Elrond wouldn't like him laughing. Elrond wouldn't like him laughing. Come on...

"He's a man, Elrond that's unnatural! The laws of the eldar say...

-Elros enough." Maglor intervened perfectly seriously this time.

That kind of conversation was a fast way to cut his amusement short. Some of the people with that kind of attitude had been firm enough in the past to be problems and to cause problems for everyone around them at times, out of their prejudices alone.

It seemed that Elros was sharing some unhealthy world-view with some of his long-gone ancestors.

"The laws are clear.

-The laws you refer to are mostly about marriage and betrothal. Are you under the impression that Maedhros will marry your brother perhaps?

-I totally wouldn't say no... Elrond mused at that.

-You're too young for him for one.” Maglor chuckled really far too amused at the kid’s reaction.

No, not kids, teenager.

“I know... But still..."

Maglor snorted a laugh at that.

"It's. Not. Natural.

-Elros I said enough.

-Elrond is my brother and I tell you...

-And I'm still lord of this fortress. I said. Enough. The laws of the eldar, I know them better than you, child. And you better start remembering that, because I get tired of having to remind you that. The laws say *nothing* about being in love by itself.”

Elros blushed brightly at that, looking stubborn.


-Is gone. She’s gone, Elros, and she’s not coming back. It’s time now for you to learn to lead your life for yourself and not by what distorted memories you have of your mother.

Elros left the room running. Probably to go back to the human friends he made from the group of traveling mercenaries.

Another group that would cause problem if left without supervision. Perhaps letting Elros mingle with them as they had was a bad idea.  

Maglor was there of his considerations when he noticed that Elrond was still there and looking rather downcast.

That was the first real argument between the brothers…

"And so, I understand you've taken to watch the soldiers train during your off times... Maglor started for Elrond who looked at him and started blushing darkly.

-Hm... Well...

-Well? Insisted Maglor far too amused.

-It's summer.

-... So? Maglor asked with curiosity, not quite seeing the relationship between the season and the reason the young half-elf was watching the training…

-Well... around midday... Some of the warriors... Like Maedhros, but detail, hm... are... Training without their armor?"

Maglor couldn't help it and giggled at that.

That was teasing material against his brother for at least a century, right there.

"I see. I... I'll admit that Maedhros can be rather impressive."

Elrond nodded enthusiastically, sadness at his brother's reaction entirely forgotten.

Oh Maglor couldn't wait to chat with his brother that evening. But true, his habit to train bare-chested at times during the day wasn't new and had, once upon a time in blessed Valinor, attracted more than a few admirers, including a handful of cousins at times.

Though that period where Galadriel had found Maedhros lovely had been properly terrifying. That girl had been resourceful. Thanks the valar she had never liked their father and spent the less possible time in his presence or his brother would have ended moving to Formenos, if not downright to the border of the Helcaraxë, permanently.

"And when he's focused he's so bright and warm, like a living fire. It's..."

Elrond's eyes spoke for him, though Maglor noted the interest in what the young one perceived of his brother's fëa.

"Hm... Well... So long you understand issues like consent and no means no..."

Elrond grimaced but nodded.

"I know that he's not interested. Though if he was..."

Maglor snorted a laugh and dismissed the young one who ran out, to his next class in the healing wards.

As soon as he was gone, one of the servants in the room started laughing.

"Poor prince Maedhros."

Maglor joined her in her hilarity, until duty called. Teenagers were all the same, whatever the race.

2 - The discussion between Maedhros and Maglor

Read 2 - The discussion between Maedhros and Maglor

That evening when Maedhros entered his private rooms in the fortress, he found his brother at his desk, playing a dramatic romantic music straight out of memory from some of the most traumatic moments of their years in Valinor.

"Did you want something in particular or are you just here for the pleasure of reminding me I'm not quite as attractive as before and thankfully lost all those damn admirers that were constantly underfoot? Maedhros asked his brother drily.

-Oh but brother, you're so, so strong, and when you're focused, you're so light and warm, like a living fire. Maglor claimed dramatically, making Maedhros pause in what he was doing.

-Maglor?” Maedhros asked with clear suspicion. His brother was usually far more eloquent when he wanted to make a point.

“Not my words, I can assure you that you're my brother and I love you as such, and not quite *that* much...

-Oh Eru, no!

-Oh yes.

-Oh no.

-Of course yes. Elrond *loves* to watch the warrior training these days... Apparently in the summer, around midday..."

Maedhros was looking utterly mortified.

"But I... I mean... There are others... They're not as... Maedhros breathed pointing at his most obvious scars on his face.

-Yes, Elros noted that you were heavily scarred. Elrond told him that you looked beautiful and your scars just showed you had overcome everything life threw at you and that you were so strong, and besides, you know everything.

-Oh Eru... Maedhros groaned.

-If it can reassure you, he's aware you have no interest.

-I don’t say it often… but thanks the valar for small mercies.

-However if you were so inclined, he would totally not say no. Maglor snickered clearly quoting the young peredhel.

-You're enjoying that.

-Oh yes.

-You're no help.

-I never claimed the contrary.

-It's a disaster.

-Oh no. It's pretty hilarious. There's something else that's a disaster and it's not Elrond's crush on you.

-Let me guess. Elros doesn't take it well, hm? Maedhros noted.


-It's the fact it's me in particular, that it's a feanorian in general or that I'm a male?

-Apparently that you’re a male. According to Elros “the laws of the Eldar”, and “Elwing”…

-Hm... Noted. Thanks for the warning.


-And do not encourage Elrond.

-Of course not. I wouldn't dare. Never. Not me.

-Oh be gone."

Maglor avoided a thrown pillow with a laugh, picked it up and threw it back before leaving the room.

The next morning, Elros was moved from training with the recently arrived mercenaries, to training with the elves, with the excuse that he had faster and stronger reflex and it was becoming too uneven to let Elros train with them.

Elros threw a fit of course, but Maedhros didn't change his mind.

Maedhros could do nothing about the way that mercenary culture treated the people who didn’t quite conform to their idea of normal, but he could, and would, ensure Elros had better examples around him to influence him.

Also if his behavior and presence pushed Elrond to not watch their training so much that'd be perfect.

At least when his eyes met that of Elrond when he was observing them, the young one tended to blush and find an occupation somewhere else.

Some of his cousins had been far, far more forwards at times.

And Maglor found the whole thing hilarious. Something told him he would never live it down.


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