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Okay this is... I don't know what to think XD This is amazing. What are they going to hatch into? Chicks? Elflings? Elflings that can transform into birds like Elwing can? I am fascinated.

Poor Earendil, that must have been quite the surprise to come home to. Well, I guess that's what you get for leaving all the time! (I am joking. Mostly.) Also now I am imagining shifted-peredhil-seagull chicks getting (well-meaningly!) kidnapped by the next friendly seagull couple out there... (It does happen! ...Though seagulls killing other gull's young in a competition for nesting space happens far more frequently... but this is Aman, surely there's no shortage of nesting space or food here, right?) ... Okay now I got distracted, I'll see myself out XD

This was a fun read, and as you see, has me very intrigued :D

The idea alone is genius.

Poor Elwing being all alone all day ?

Curious to see what they turn into...

And how aging would work with those babies, since birds and elves exist on very different time-scales.

So much to think about!


Great fic, thank you for sharing!

"genius"? omg thank you shadow fren that is lovely of you! 

Well Elwing won't be alone all day much longer...XD

Hopefully chapter two answers some questions! Though the aging thing is a curious thought...hmmm...I doubt chapter two is going to be the end of this. You and Lingwi in particular have given me much to wonder about!

There is more!! :D

Oh my stars Eönwë. I confess I laughed out loud when he revealed himself. I guess I should have remembered your chapter notes, and I might have expected that XD I'm glad Eärendil is able to take things in stride, though, it's just one shock after the other for him... And for poor Elwing, too, actually. Two more kids than expected! And they are actually all shapeshifters now, that's amazing *bounces excitedly*

Also asdfghj that last sentence!! Is he referring to what (or rather, who) I think he is referring...? OoO

Aww, I love all of those names, and also the explanations given for why they were chosen. Beautiful!

Eönwë had become less 'present' as he made the effort to ask Ulmo, and 'returned' with an answer, thoroughly surprised. "He said "Yes, of course, where else?"

This bit made me laugh. And yes, of course they would choose Ulmo's place :3

YES, let's meet more family!

Also, family ties in the Silm get confusing, so aunt and uncle is definitely miles easier.

Love the way Finarfin assures Eärendil of that!

First shift in public!! Aaah, I'm glad everyone seems to be relatively calm about this, even though they weren't told beforehand - or at least I assume so, from Ingwion's question.

"Well, Atar and Amme need a little shaking up sometimes."

I like Ingwion already ;)

Also after the last part, I am curious - do the Reborn have a reputation of being more forward/less hung up on ceremony? I suppose that might make sense, seeing as in Beleriand, there probably often wasn't the time or resources (or, possibly, respect in some cases) to stand on ceremony...

(Weird, did my reply disappear or something? I could have sworn I sent it...) 

Anyway, trying again, Lingwi :)

I think the rulers of the Eldar remained calm because they were in the same space as the Valar and the Valar were taking it calmly. Probably once they're out of Valmar the Kings and Queens will let themselves break down a bit lol. Besides, interacting with Reborn elves means they're used to surprises - Arafinwe and Earwen are, more than the others, anyway.

Reborn Elves are literally returned to innocence in Mandos. They forget everything, except their own names, and when they are released from Mandos and rehoused in new bodies - fair copies of their old ones, just free of any scars or injury - they have no memories of their old lives at first. The memories slowly return as they learn to use a body again while in the Gardens of the Reborn (still part of Mandos' demesne) and when they are physically capable enough to move on to the Gardens of Lorien, they may still not have all their memories intact, or at least not remember the emotional attachment to those memories. It's as if the memories belong to someone else.

Finrod has only been out of Lorien and back with his family for about fifty years. He's still not always emotionally mature, acting very much the elfling again at times, though the memories he has regained help him to do what is expected of him...when he feels like it.

Ingwion of course is not a Reborn, but he had his own crisis during the Darkening of Valinor and so sometimes also does the unexpected. The next chapter is up, I hope you'll be glad to see more of Ingwion and Finrod together!

O.O What is happening? Who is Ingil? *squints* Is this related to whatever is Ulmo up to, in sending them to Eldamar...? *is intirgued* (I am aware I'm most likely not meant to know the answers to any of these questions at this point in the story, lmao)

Loved the description of the chandler's shop, too, I wanna go there. It sounds so neat!

Also, Finrod's food adventures are adorable XD



lingwi fren! well, for "who is Ingil", I highly recommend "In Darkness Bound" by Fiondil, the story of the Darkening of Valinor. Hopefully the next chapter will give you a little more info though!

Ulmo didn't really have any ulterior motive in sending them to Eldamas (note: -mas means "town", so this is Elf-town. Eldamar is the entire part of Aman inhabited by Elves). He just thought they might like to get out and least, as far as I know. The Valar are a devious bunch, as my atto indonyo Fiondil used to say often, and they don't always reveal their secrets even to their authors....

The chandler's shop does sound great, doesn't it? I'd like to visit it too!

Hope you like the next chapter!