Loyalty by Melesta

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Chapter 1

Tirion. Years of the Trees:

By the time I make my way down to the stables, Telperion's silver light washes over Nerdanel's marble statues in the garden. Uncle Fëanáro's bust looks strangely alive and a slight panic creeps up my spine when I feel movement from the house behind me. To my relief, I spot Findekáno climbing down Nelyo's balcony and I do not manage to stifle a chuckle, louder than I can afford.

'Írissë? What are you doing here at this hour?' He looks more amused than surprised.

'I would ask you the same but I think we both know háno.' I whisper back with a smirk.

'Did you not go hunting early with Curvo and Tyelko?'

'I did. Ride home with me.' And I point to my bow and the dead rabbits that have been hanging far too many hours from my saddlebag.

'Ugh, atrocious! Clean your bow at the very least. You indeed have been spending too much time with Tyelko.' He grimaces but I drag him to my horse and we quietly sneak out.

As we make our way back home, he is unnaturally quiet so I poke his ribs. 'You should not blame Tyelko for the blood on my bow Finno. You know hunting and riding is the only time I get to be fully myself.'

'You owe me no explanations Írissë, I am not Turno. Although of all our cousins, you had to pick Tyelko's friendship to feel most like yourself?'

'He does not suffocate me. We respect each other's boundaries, and that is all it matters. Why does it annoy you so much?'

'I am not annoyed with him. I like to annoy him, there is a difference. I know he is as much pain to Maitimo as you are to me. And I like him better than Curvo.'

'That is not a very high standard.'

'We are not best of friends, I will agree. But I do respect him. I dare say the feeling is mutual. And if my favorite sister holds love for him than surely he must be decent.'

'I am your only sister Finno. And I would not go so far as to call this love.'

He turns to glance at me with a question and I elaborate. 'We do love each other but it is not the kind of love you and Nelyo share. Besides, you well know I am not so concerned with love, you romantic fool.'

'If not love, then what are you concerned with Írissë? he asks with a serious tone.

'Freedom. And loyalty.'

He does not respond but I can feel his body softening under my arms and I know he understands. As he always does.

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