Loyalty by Melesta

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Himlad was the land of Celegorm and Curufin. Tolkien tells us that Aredhel stays in Himlad twice. The first time after departing Gondolin, when Celegorm and Curufin were away hunting with Caranthir in Thargelion. Aredhel stayed with Celegorm's people for some time but got restless and kept riding east. She got lost in Nan Elmoth, Eöl's dark forest. The second time she visits Himlad, Aredhel and Maeglin were on the run from Nan Elmoth. They stayed briefly with Celegorm who gave them horses to get back to Gondolin.



'You would dare use that name, Celegorm?'

'Aredhel. I am sorry, it has been too long. But tell me. Every bird I sent to Nan Elmoth flew back to inform me you stayed silent at the messages I sent.'

'What kind of response did you expect?'

'You well know we would have stormed his forest and get you out of there. The only reason the Dark Elf still breathes is out of respect for you and your son. You just had to pass word.'

'I knew. But has there not been enough death?'

'We all chose death the moment we left Tirion. I refuse to pretend there is another way. And I refuse to believe he kept you there by force all this time. None can keep you anywhere against your will.'

''Tis why we always got along, dearest cousin. Why I ventured this way, to begin with.'

'Why then? Why did you stay?'


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