Why Steel Points North by Anne Wolfe

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Long ago, before any of the elves awoke, there were two great lamps: one silver, named Illuin, and one gold, named Ormal.

The story of how magnets came to be.

Major Characters: Aulë

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 429
Posted on 16 September 2021 Updated on 16 September 2021

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Why Steel Points North

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I love this explanation for magnetism and how this feels like something that might be told orally.

So it is that to this day, the shards of steel that know Aulë’s song point ever toward the north, yearning to return there. And if ever you should have a shard of steel that does not yet know the song, beware! --> The shards singing the song to each other, if they get to close, is such a cute, sweet idea!