"A Different Kind of Flame" and "Fire and Terror" by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Drabbles featuring my character Curutane, a distant cousin of Miriel, who came to Beleriand with the Feanorians.

General warning for the Dagor Bragollach and specific warning for character death by fire.

Fanwork Information


A craftswoman weaves Feanorian flames, but Morgoth's flames prove deadlier.

She is haunted by flame, at first, even after her death.

Major Characters: Original Female Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings

Chapters: 2 Word Count: 200
Posted on 30 October 2021 Updated on 30 October 2021

This fanwork is complete.

A Different Kind of Flame

A craftswoman weaves Feanorian flames, but Morgoth's flames prove deadlier.

Read A Different Kind of Flame

Curutane spent seven long northern winters weaving flames into brocade so that Maedhros should finally have a robe she considered suitable to his role in Beleriand. Curutane was no courtier, but a dedicated craftswoman; she had moved to a small village because she found the main settlement at Helevorn too distracting. However, she held firm opinions. The robe had been gift, compliment, reproof and exhortation all at once. That her cousin had acknowledged it and wore the robe was all the reward she craved.

Then a black winter came. Flames hotter than any she had woven destroyed craftswoman and loom.

Chapter End Notes

Written for Tolkien OC Week on Tumblr and for the prompt "Hot and Hotter" at Tolkien100 on LiveJournal.

100 words in MS Word.


Previous stories featuring Curutane:
Maryame crosses the Marches to see Vanimo

Previous story featuring the robe she made for Maedhros:
A Length of Ribbon

She also made Maedhros a cloak:
The Cloak


(These links go to AO3, because I copied them from there, but these stories can also be found on this archive.) 

Fire and Terror

Curutane died when Thargelion was ravaged in the Battle of Sudden Flame.
Even after her death, she is at first not free of the terror of fire.

Read Fire and Terror

Curutane wanders in a haze of scorching heat. Veering right, left, backward, forwards, she cannot get away from the fire in which she died. Flames surround her still. Helplessly, she dodges them, vaguely aware that there is nothing left to burn: she is all burnt. Still, they reach for her hungrily and, still, she retreats, hemmed in and herded by their silent hissing.

Until a sea voice calls and, somehow, she stumbles onto a bit of beach.

A white shell washed up on the wet sand—she stoops—cool it lies in her trembling hand.

Behind her the flames recede.

Chapter End Notes

Written for the July 2021 challenge at tolkienshortfanworks, which had the prompt "sea shell".

Some inspiration taken from the bonus prompt:
"I walked by the sea, and there came to me, / as a star-beam on the wet sand, / a white shell like a sea-bell; / trembling it lay in my wet hand" (From: "The Sea Bell", by Tolkien.)

The couplet I transformed it into is also a nod to the formal challenge for July, which asked for couplets.

100 words according to MS Word.

The title is taken from the canon description of the ruin of Thargelion.


(Originally, these two drabbles were written and posted separately and in reverse order.)


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