The Elf's Lullaby by Anérea

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Enchanted Lullaby

Yet another, rather more fanciful, version of events...

(By this stage it would seem the tale has gone through many iterations over the years of retellings, merging with a few other bits of Mannish folklore as well.)

Oh! My missus tol’ me the other day ’bout a band of travellin’ minstrels who was a singin' at the Pony. I never heard ’em sing meself on account of ol’ Thistlewool's horse was foalin’ that eve, but my missus, she told me all about 'em, and one of their ballads sounds a bit like your tale!

Only, my missus told me that the elf didn’t find the wee ’uns. Well, not at first anyhow. Said he appeared suddenly when the orcs attacked. Well, the people, they thought he’d wave his magic sword and slay all the monsters, but to their great astonishment he just sat right down and pulled out his harp. He just began to sing, so he did! A lullaby it was, but a magic lullaby that sent ’em all into an enchanted sleep! The orcs, mind you, not the people. They went ’round and took all the armour and swords from the orcs, and when they woke up they was so confused and afraid that they upped and ran away into the woods and nobody saw hide nor hair of ’em ever again!

And what of the babes, you ask? Well, she said the night was pitch black by the time their mammie and all went a lookin' for 'em, and they was so well hidden in their little hidey-hole and too afraid to come out. But the elf, well, they have magic eyes and can see in the dark, see, and their ears are so sharp they can hear a mouse breathe, so they can! And so he found ’em where they lay hid. He carried ’em both back home, one on each shoulder, he did, singing soothingly to ’em all the way.

And so of course they all lived happily ever after.

What’s that? The elf? Oh yes, I forgot… well, my missus said that after their mammie was done with huggin' and kissin' her babes, she turned ’round to thank him, and he was vanished. Just like that! They never saw him again neither.

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