Shadow's Instadrabbles by daughterofshadows

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Dinner with Melian

Prompt: finish, lemon, string, fortune (Session: 01.08.2021 Olympics)

Elu Thingol and Melian eat together. It is a bit disturbing. Melian learns that elvish traditions are confusing.

Rated: General

“Will you finish that?”

Elwë looked where Melian was pointing.

“The lemon?”

They nodded.

When he shook his head, they let go off the string they had been fiddling with and pounced on it with delight.

Elwë could only stare in horror as they bit right into it, devouring the lemon, peel and all.

When Melian caught his gaze, they pouted.

“You were the one who said it brought bad fortune not to eat all that is on your plate!”

“Food! I meant food, when I said that! Not the garnish!”

“A lemon is food! Thus, it must be eaten!”

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