Spies! (Russingon)
Drabble 1 (100 words on Word): Maedhros almost (but not quite) makes his little brothers cry.
Two pairs of eyes stared at them in the open window. Maitimo was furious.
“Who gave you the right to spy on us?!”
Findekáno peeked out from under the bedsheets, curious to see the spies himself.
“He’s not supposed to be in your bed!” one of the twins argued. Which one, Findekáno was not sure.
“He had a nightmare and got scared,” Maitimo said.
Findekáno waved them happily.
The twins were not buying that explanation. “Adults don’t have nightmares! We’ll tell Atar!”
“You won’t, or I’ll tell him who mixed up his chemicals!”
The twins’ eyes widened. “You wouldn’t!”
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