Random acts of Kindness (Sauron)
Drabble and a half (150 words on Word): Sauron does something genuinely nice to someone. CW for injury (not graphic).
A human girl was trapped in a wolf trap. She had exhausted herself while trying to free herself. Now she just cried, her leg in pain.
Sauron hated those wolf traps. Elves had left them all around the land after he had taken control of Tol Sirion. Many of his wolves had suffered because of them. And now this girl. Where had she even come from?
“I was picking mushrooms in the forest, and suddenly... oh no, horrible jaws biting my ankle!”
She suffered just like his wolves. He had not always been there in time for his wolves, but he could help this little girl. She had done nothing wrong.
He sang a song of metal, and the jaws opened. The girl collapsed on the mossy ground, sobbing.
“Thank you, mister! Are you a wizard? That was magic! Please, take my basket of mushrooms as a token of gratitude!”
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