New Challenge: New Year's Resolution

January 2022 SWG challenge banner for New Years Resolution

Every January, we kick off the year with a challenge to nudge us to recommit to our creative lives by creating a fanwork for one of the previous year's challenges. Whether finishing that epic novel for the challenge that ran away or making a sketch or writing a drabble, the idea is to make something fannish during the month of January with one of our challenges as inspiration!

During our annual amnesty challenge, you can complete any of our 2021 challenges. You will receive a stamp on your 2021 collection for any challenges that you complete now*, as well as a stamp for the New Year's Resolution challenge on your 2022 collection. When you post to the SWG archive, please make sure you select the 2021 challenge you're completing and the New Year's Resolution challenge.

*If you choose to complete a challenge older than 2021, we will not be giving out past stamps; you will, however, receive your January 2022 stamp.

For a summary of the 2021 challenges and links to prompts, see the 2022 New Year's Resolution challenge page.

One more thing ... Challenges have traditionally ended on the 10th of the month, with the new challenge announced on the 15th. This gave the moderators five days to update stamp collections, which prior to the site rebuild, were made by hand. Now that stamp collections are automated on the new site, we no longer need those extra days, so challenges will end and begin on the 15th of the month, giving creators five extra days to complete a challenge and claim a stamp.

Posted on 10 January 2022 (updated 24 February 2022) by Dawn Felagund