Update to Site Etiquette and Terms of Service

It is important, for legal reasons, that activity on the SWG remain strictly not-for-profit. And while this has been our de facto position for as long as the site has been in existence, we realized that this is never directly stated in any of our policies. Therefore, our Site Etiquette and Terms of Service has been updated to add the following language:

For legal reasons, the SWG must remain strictly not-for-profit. Do not use the SWG or its social media to request or offer commissions for money. If a fanwork was commissioned, do not mention that commission. Links in your profile, the fanworks you share, or on posts to SWG social media should not point to sites where you will make a profit, such as Kofi, Patreon, GoFundMe, Venmo, and similar sites. Violations of the above will be immediately taken down.

Please note that the translated Site Etiquette and Terms of Service have not yet been updated.

As always, if you have any questions, you can contact the moderators or comment on this post, and one of us will get back to you.

Posted on 6 March 2022 (updated 7 March 2022) by Dawn Felagund