Elrond stood in his customary place by the window, watching the path. He hadn't seen anything but deer and rabbits, but he continued to watch.
He heard music another room, something ancient and sad. When the song came to an end, Maglor joined him at the window, the harp in his hands.
"You don't have to stand there and watch. The messenger will come into the house when he gets here." Elrond knew that, but he continued to watch the path.
Several days later, loud voices drew him to outside, where one of the soldiers was dismounting while Maglor held the reins.
Maedhros bolted out of the house. "What news?"
"I found the house in Doriath, but she wasn't there. I left the note with the servants."
Maedhros' face tuned scarlet. Maglor put a hand on his shoulder and pulled him aside. "So we'll stay here and wait for their answer. They'll send a messenger of their own."
A week went by, and then another. "Maybe Mother went to stay with Auntie Maiele."
Another week went by. Elrond tired of standing at the window. He spent his days outside, searching the clearing for herbs with healing powers.
Spring turned into summer with still no word from Doriath. "The Jewel came to Mother from great-grandmother Luthien. Maybe she'd like to trade it, but she feels like it's not hers to give up," said Elrond.
"Then Father will persuade her to give it up, once he returns from the sea."
Elrond wished Mother would decide that all by herself. He and Elros were her children, and she was supposed to love them.