Fanfiction Book Club: Explicit Relationships

Fanfiction Book Club - Explicit Sexual Relationships, 4-5 June 2022

Sexual relationships are a creative inspiration for many authors in the Tolkien fandom, and have often been a topic for much discussion and debate. This is our chance to celebrate the imagination of fanfiction authors and how the community envisions sexual relationships among the various peoples of Arda.

This book club will be held on Saturday, June 4 and Sunday, June 5 in the #fanfiction-book-club-nsfw channel on the SWG's Discord server. If you are not a member of our Discord server and would like to join, log into your site account and find an invite link in the footer of the site. If you're not a member of the site, contact our moderators for an invite code. Your hosts for this event are Polutropos and Melesta.


Saturday, June 4th

9:00-9:45 When honey spills, and apple swells by Nienna

10:00-10:45 Clash of swords by firstamazon

11:00-11:45 An Interlude by maedron


13:00-13:45 Tryst by Anonymous

14:00-14:45 We All Fall Down by cuarthol

Sunday, June 5th

9:00-9:45 Piecing our Lives back together (Chapter 5)** by ChrissyStriped

10:00-10:45 A Secret Chord by polutropos

11:00-11:45 Let Me Come Back to Your Hand by AdmirableMonster (Mertiya)


13:00-13:45 Traitorous Heart by starlightwalking

14:00-14:45 Account #1: Of the Quendi and the Maiar by Aipilosse

** Though it is not the main subject of the story, this fic contains implied/referenced rape/non-con. Readers who wish to participate but want to skip this can stop at the sentence beginning “Still, they could steal a few more minutes together before he sneaked back to his guest room." Discussion will be moderated and participants will be asked to spoiler using || on either side of any text mentioning this content.

An AO3 bookmarked collection with all the stories can be found here.

If you've never participated in one of our book clubs before, our Book Club FAQ has more information on what to expect. Questions can be directed to the event organizers on Discord or to the SWG moderators.

Posted on 14 May 2022 (updated 11 June 2022) by Dawn Felagund