Meanwhile by Lferion

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In Glass they Shine, a Tanka

Poem written by Elrond at Gimli and Legolas' wedding. A drabble.


Prompts - L:O3 Happily ever after, A:G4 Stained Glass, P:G4 Tanka, F:B2 Everybody lives

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As in glass they shine
Many-colored, holding fast
One to another
Nearly but not lost, they live
Happily ever after

Valinor perhaps
Wandering Tol Eressëa
Distant Middle Earth
Where windows shine with wonder
Of persistent love, and hope.

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A poem written by Elrond, in hope, at the wedding of Legolas and Gimli, where the couple did indeed shine as lit by sun through glass. The second part appears to reference others who shine in his thought and memory, not present on the occasion of the celebration, but somewhere embodied in the present. Maedhros and Fingon are possible such absent figures.

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