Meanwhile by Lferion

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Courting, Some Observations on a Wedding

Elrond, enjoying the party at Legolas and Gimli's wedding. A triple drabble.


Prompts - L: B1 Tale within a Tale, A:N3 FS Sculpture, P:O2 Ode, F:O4 Filk

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Someone (Lindir) was singing a wildly and hilariously ribald version of 'Arien's Flight' on the lawn to an appreciative and distinctly un-sober collection of persons. The crowd was joining in on the chorus, some with the usual lyrics, others with the new, impromptu words, joyfully cacophonous. Someone else -- possibly Rôg, or another of Gimli's forge-friends -- was declaiming an ode to domesticity, accompanied by enthusiastic lutenists. The distinct cadence of limericks floated past his ear. People were dancing Hobbit-dances on the front porch, and ring-dances around the ice-sculptures dispensing drinkables. There had been fireworks earlier. Gandalf had outdone himself as usual.

Legolas and Gimli had vanished upstairs after the fireworks for the private part of the wedding, and might or might not appear again before the end-of-party late breakfast. (There was a Hobbit-custom very happily adopted into Elven practice.) The Witnessing of Vows had been particularly moving -- the story of their friendship woven within and through the story of the end of the Third Age and the beginning of the Fourth, and now here in timeless Aman. Other blessings, toasts and reminiscences were rather less solemn. The vows themselves simple and sincere. Why was he sitting here watching, not joining in?

Well, for one thing, Elrond appreciated the opportunity to simply watch and enjoy as part of the crowd, not one of the principals. It still occasionally felt strange to not be in authority over a realm at war. He didn't have to dance for the appearance of it; he could dance because he wanted to dance with his wife, and she with him. Strains of a Hobbit drinking song were coming from the porch, and Celebrian was smiling at him. He stood to join her. A fine wedding, an excellent party. Tomorrow he would plan a visit to Tol Eressëa.

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