Comments on Gothmog and Draugluin

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Hee!  It's the ultimate Man Cave, and yes, Thû joins them.  It's his retreat from the daily grind of sorcery and werewolf-wrangling.  He does take bookings, but just like the Hotel California, you can check in anytime you want, but you can never leave. ;^)

Thanks so much!

Oh, now, now, you're humoring me.  This is not great art work by any stretch of the imagination.  Folks oo and ah over those many glorious drawings on deviantArt (and said artwork deserves the accolades).  My stuff is nothing more than doodles.  Nonetheless, thanks!

Professor Thû is still pretty mild-mannered here.  He won't be as the story continues, that is, when Finrod, Beren, and the gang finally arrive on the scene.

I read it all in one setting (unexpected change of my schedule meant reading time). I had a good chuckle at 

- Mpreg (that was an era * flashbacks*)
- Beer and nachos (I did think Mae looked bloated)
- Melting snow (poor Gothmog. He should move to Siberia or Canada where it's cold enough it won't melt)
- Melkor's baldness (yeah right, why would he be clipped if he's bald?)
- Thû's pc
- The last comic strip... I wouldn't trust that picture in Thû's hand. If it were 2024, I bet he'd post it everywhere on Reddit, Tiktok, Twitter...