Comments on The Coimas War

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*Applauds loudly* I'm sure somewhere Aristophanes is chortling with glee :D

It's amusing and well written and - what more can I say? - very well done! Although it may need a beverage warning since this: Actually, the size was excessive, in Arafinwë’s view... made me splutter my coffee everywhere ;P

Hi Moreth, I hope he is not turning in his grave... As soon as the germs of the idea came into my mind I went to re-read his original, and chortled like mad. I truly enjoyed myself writing it and I am glad it caused you the same effect.

Thank you for taking the time to review, and for the kind words! Sorry about the coffee :-)



Russa, this is such a hilarious send-up of Lysistrata and so artfully written, too!  I'm so glad that you opted for the "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!" approach and crafted such a wildly entertaining romp replete with delicious detail and wickedly funny intelligence.  A litany of what made me LOL is beyond the scope of this review, but I'll just say that Arafinwë is a hoot and a half -- officious and vain and yet, one gets to like the big lug.

Characters, setting, you name it.  The Coimas War rang all my chimes and is officially one of my SWG favorites.  Brava!

Pande, *** blushes *** coming from you this is high praise indeed. I was skeptical about putting it on paper to start with, so I am truly glad you nudged. I was desperate to finish it on time. Luckily Arafinwe became rather quite cooperative in the end, and he did anything I asked of him to get what he was after..

Thank you very much!