Bedtime Stories by lindahoyland
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: Aragorn tells his son stories of the First Age Major Characters: Eärendil, Melkor Major Relationships: Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet, General, Humor Challenges: B2MeM 2017 Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 2 | Word Count: 1, 187 |
Posted on 20 September 2010 | Updated on 12 March 2017 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Sons of the Stars
The characters are the property of the Tolkien Estate.
Written for the "There and Back" Advent challenge
Read Sons of the Stars
“Ada, I don’t like being on my own in the dark,” whimpered Eldarion.
Aragorn scooped up his son in his arms and took him over to the window. The little boy was now considered too old to share a room with his nanny and was finding it difficult to sleep. “Look out at the stars, ion nîn,” said the King. ”You are never alone at night with them to watch over you.”
The child’s interest was caught as he studied the countless twinkling lights. “Why is that star brighter than the others?” he asked pointing towards the Western horizon.
“That is Eärendil your grandsire, sailing his boat across the night sky,” Aragorn told his son.
“How did he get up there?” the little boy sounded puzzled.
“When the first Dark Lord assailed Middle- earth, Eärendil sailed the Sundering Seas to seek help from the Valar,” said Aragorn.
“Why does he shine so brightly?” Eldarion asked.
“He wears a great jewel upon his brow,” said Aragorn.
“Like you wear the Star of Elendil, ada?”
“Yes, only this is a far bigger and brighter jewel. Within it, is the very light that once radiated from the Two Trees ,which gave Arda light ere the sun and the moon were created. Such a fair jewel caused much strife with many desiring it. Beren, our forefather, took it from Morgoth’s crown and eventually it passed to the keeping of Elwing, who rather than surrender it,cast herself into the sea. The Valar took pity upon her and changed her into a great white bird. She flew to join her husband and gave him the jewel, as a light to steer his ship by.
Eldarion thoughtfully sucked his thumb, trying to take in such an amazing story.”It must be a very special jewel indeed then,” he said.
“It certainly is, ion nîn, for unlike my jewels, the Star of Eärendil shines for everyone and guides us safely through the darkness. Many a time, did it guide me home when I wandered alone in the Northern Wilds.”
“I won’t be scared of the dark again,ada,” said Eldarion, starting to sound sleepy. Aragorn carried him back to his bed and tucked him in, kissing him tenderly on the brow.
Aragorn looked up again at the star then at his sleeping son. ‘Twas wonderous indeed; this child born of his and Arwen’s love,was a true son of the stars.
The Darkening of Valinor.
Written for "The Darkening of Valinor" prompt.
Read The Darkening of Valinor.
“Ada, you’re home!” cried Eldarion as his father appeared in the night nursery. He sat up straight in bed. “You missed the eclipse, it was such fun.”
Aragorn planted a kiss on his son’s forehead and gestured to the nanny to leave. “I didn’t miss it, ion nîn, I watched it in the Pelennor Fields.”
“Why couldn’t you have watched it with Naneth and I?” Eldarion pouted.
“Some of the people were frightened,” Aragorn explained. “As King, it was my duty to reassure them.”
“I wasn’t frightened at all,” said Eldarion. “Naneth’s maid was, though, she said it was like the darning of Valinor. What’s that Ada?”
“The Darkening of Valinor,” Aragorn corrected.
“What’s the Darkening of Valinor, then? I know Valinor is where the Elves and the Valar live, but why do they want to live there if it’s dark?”
“I had come to tell you a bedtime story while Naneth feeds your sister and puts her to bed, but the Darkening of Valinor is a scary story with an evil monster best kept for the morning.”
“I’m a big boy now, I don’t get scared. I wasn't scared at all of the eclipse. I like monsters too!”
Aragorn sighed and settled himself on the foot of the bed, disturbing the nursery cat who had been sleeping there. The cat gave him a baleful stare and started to groom herself.
“Very well,” said Aragorn. “I hope you do not have nightmares, though.” He remained lost in thought for a moment, remembering when Master Elrond had told him his story and wondering how much he should tell Eldarion. He absent mindedly stroked the cat as he began. “Long, long ago there was no sun and no moon and Valinor was illuminated by the light of two beautiful trees.”
Eldarion looked sceptical. “Two trees? How could they be tall enough to light everywhere?”
“They were magical trees and that was a different age,” said Aragorn. “Ask Grandfather Celeborn when he next visits, as your Grandmother Galadriel remembers the trees.”
“Oh.” Eldarion lapsed into silence.
“One day, the King of the Valar, Lord Manwë , held a great feast and all the Valar and the Eldar were invited. The Enemy in those days was Morgoth and he was even more terrible than Sauron. He devised a wicked plot as he hated both the Valar and the Eldar.”
“Why?” asked Eldarion.
Aragorn had to think for a moment. “I suppose because he was jealous of them. They could make beautiful things and he could create nothing.”
“So what happened?” Eldarion demanded.
“Morgoth asked an evil giant spider called Ungoliant to help him against his enemies. Ungoliant helped Morgoth reach the Two Trees by shrouding both herself and her ally in magic webs of pure darkness. Ungoliant drank the sap from the Two Trees and with it ,their light, after Morgoth wounded them with his great spear. The trees withered and died and Valinor was plunged into darkness.”
“For how long?” asked Eldarion.
“Fifty long years while by the light of the stars alone, the Valar created the sun and moon from two fruits that Lady Yavanna and Lady Nienna managed to save from the Two Trees.”
“What a long time it took them!” said Eldarion.
“I doubt fifty years is very long for the Valar,” said Aragorn. “That time is known as the Long Night, though.”
“What happened next?”
“That is another long story for another day, ion nîn,” Aragorn said firmly. “It is time now for you to sleep.” He dislodged the cat, which had settled on his lap and rose from the bed and tucked the covers firmly around Eldarion.
“Ada?”Eldarion’s voice trembled a little.
“Yes, dear one?”
“Could anyone destroy the sun and the moon like they destroyed the Two Trees?”
“The sun and the moon are quite safe, ion nîn.” Aragorn smiled at his son and walked towards the door.
Aragorn turned back to face Eldarion’s bed. “Yes, ion nîn. What else troubles you? I warned you this story might give you nightmares.”
“I’m not scared, Ada. I told you I’m a big boy now. I just wanted to ask you if you’d take me riding tomorrow."
"I will if the Council meeting finishes in time and if your tutor says you have worked hard at your lessons. Would you like to ride across the Pelennor Fields?"
There was no answer. Eldarion was already asleep. Aragorn made to extinguish the lamp. His hand faltered slightly as he thought of the Two Trees. He glanced out of the window at the moon shining serenely in the sky. He extinguished the lamp and went to join Arwen and his baby daughter. It had been a long day.
(1) Comment by Himring for Bedtime Stories [Ch 2]
Neat solution to what must have been a difficult prompt for you!
The "darning" of Valinor is nice.
And I like the bit where he hesitates to extinguish the lamp and looks out at the moon.
Re: (1) Comment by Himring for Bedtime Stories [Ch 2]
Thank you, yes, I admit I did find the prompt tricky and had to research it.
I'm pleased you enjoyed the story.
(2) Comment by oshun for Bedtime Stories [Ch 1]
Awww! I'm an absolute sucker for little boys and bedtime stories. You did that one beautifully. Now when he starts to grow older and a losses some of his innocence, his daddy can tell him the bigger story as a cautionary tale!
Re: (2) Comment by oshun for Bedtime Stories [Ch 1]
Thank you so much. I'm delighted you enjoyed this. I'm sure Aragorn with tell Eldarion more when he is older.