Horrifying October: A Retrospective (Link Collection) by Himring
Fanwork Notes
The prompt list:
Day 1: Werewolves
Day 2: Depths of Moria
Day 3: Written in blood
Day 4: Balrog
Day 5: Mordor
Day 6: Sauron
Day 7: Creepy Music/Circus
Day 8: Berúthiel
Day 9: Abandoned/Haunted Area
Day 10: Mirkwood
Day 11: Glaurung
Day 12: Spiders
Day 13: Witch-king of Angmar
Day 14: The Temple of Melkor
Day 15: Gollum
Day 16: Corpse Land
Day 17: Thuringwethil
Day 18: Orcs
Day 19: Shelob
Day 20: Morgoth
Day 21: Ungoliant
Day 22: Gríma Wormtongue
Day 23: Deadly doctor
Day 24: Lorgan
Day 25: Under a Spell
Day 26: Smaug
Day 27: Ëol
Day 28: Warg
Day 29: Beast With Human Face
Day 30: Creepy Basement
Day 31: Dol-Guldur
For a complete list of submitted works and recs see the five round-up posts at the Library of Moria community on LiveJournal:
First Roundup
Second Roundup
Third Roundup
Fourth Roundup
Fifth Roundup
Fanwork Information
Summary: In 2016, the Library of Moria community on LiveJournal ran a Horrifying October challenge, with 31 prompts, one for each day of the month. The challenge asked for both new works and recs. The link collection offers a selection from the submissions back in 2016. Besides being selective, this is also a WIP. However, you can find links to all the round-ups on LiveJournal (and so indirectly to all submissions) in the Collection Notes. For more background on the Library of Moria and its community see the current Cultus Dispatches post: A Tribute to the Library of Moria Major Characters: Major Relationships: Genre: Fanwork Collection Challenges: Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn |
Posted on 29 July 2022 | Updated on 30 July 2022 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
Fangs, by ridiculoussquid
Fanwork written for: Day 1: Werewolves
Characters: Nessa, her followers
Words: 300
Rating: G-T
Warnings: mentions of blood and death, but nothing too graphic
The Restless Dead, by Alexcat
Fanwork written for: Day 2: Depths of Moria
Moria is quiet but not deserted. Drabble. Author chooses not to warn.
Written in Blood, by Talullah
Fanwork written for: Day 3: Written in blood
Finduilas finds a disturbing sight. (WIP)
Teen (Gen)