Meadow Flowers & Butterflies by StarSpray

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Rebuilding & Restoration 2

written for the Sunday session of Restoration & Rebuilding instadrabbling

Prompt: “Pick Yourself Up” by Nat King Cole

The day had been full of skirmish after skirmish, as Easterlings and Southrons flooded into Ithilien. They had felled one mûmak  but there had been three more to take its place; Mablung was nearly ill with exhaustion by the time they managed to find a safe place to make camp. He wished for the sturdy stone confines of Henneth Annûn, though it was miles away.

But as lots were drawn for the first watch Captain Faramir moved among them, murmuring words of encouragement and recalling the deeds of their long-ago ancestors who had fought longer and worse battles, and yet emerged victorious. Mablung’s shoulders straightened almost of their own accord as Faramir murmured a good night to him, and was able to swallow his rations without choking. Overhead the clouds cleared, and the moon shone like silver on them.

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