After the Storm Waves by Himring

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After the Storm Waves

No warnings for the actual content, but note the implications of the summary and be prepared for allusions to Numenor's past. 


The warehouses by the harbour had been partly destroyed, together with many goods they had held. But the majority of the walls were still standing. There was something to be said for Noldorin architecture, thought Cirdan. Even when they used bricks, it was more durable than you might expect of anything made of clay.

It would not be difficult to refurbish them nicely as temporary quarters for Elendil and the Faithful. The Numenoreans would want their own settlements eventually, he thought, but not yet, battered and shocked as they were. Meanwhile the Falathrim would make sure they had comfortable homes!


Elendil lay in bed staring at the ceiling. Was he right to aim for a crown? He supposed his family had secretly begun thinking of themselves as the true heirs of Elros for some time, without acknowledging the thought even to themselves. But what did they have to show for it, really? Especially here in Middle-earth where so much Numenorean injustice had been perpetrated.

The house he was in—it had been ruined in the Downfall, too, the puddles left by the tsunami still visible outside. How well Cirdan had restored it!

They would just have to do the same.


Chapter End Notes

2 x 100 words in MS Word

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