That Which Cannot Be Forgotten - Notes
Canon After-Note
[After the sack of Menegroth and the murder of Thingol, the Dwarves were at last driven out of Doriath. Many were killed, but some escaped.]
"There in Nogrod they told somewhat of all that had befallen, saying that the Dwarves were slain in Doriath by command of the Elvenking, who thus would cheat them of their reward. Then great was the wrath and lamentation of the Dwarves of Nogrod for the death of their kin and their great craftsmen, and they tore their beards, and wailed; and long they sat taking thought for vengeance. It is told that they asked aid from Belegost, but it was denied them, and the Dwarves of Belegost sought to dissuade them from their purpose; but their counsel was unavailing." ("Of the Ruin of Doriath," the Silmarillion)
On Galadriel and Alqualondë: Depending on the version you read, she either actively defends the Teleri against the Fëanorians or she sits on the sidelines. (I'm not aware of any account where she actively fights alongside the sons of Fëanor.) This puts her in a position to either do nothing and watch all those people die, or to get involved and become a kinslayer against her Noldorin family. Up until this point she has been pretty gung-ho about going to Middle-earth. So whatever her exact role, I can see her having some majorly mixed feelings about the event, especially given all that time she spent in Doriath.
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