Curse Us and Crush Us - Notes
The story of Gorlim is one of the most tragic in the Silmarillion, and cannot be easily summarized. Barahir is the father of Beren, and Gorlim is one of his men. Essentially most of Barahir's people are killed by Morgoth until only one group of twelve is left. Gorlim had come home from the war and "found his house plundered and forsaken, and his wife gone; whether slain or taken he knew not." Gorlim joined Barahir's company but was later captured in a trap by Sauron. He betrays his companions because he believes his wife is still alive and Sauron promises to restore her to him. Eventually Barahir and everyone but Beren is killed. (Including Gorlim; he's killed by Sauron.)
For the full story see "Of Beren and Lúthien," the Silmarillion.
The title comes from Gollum. Completely unrelated to this story, I know, but it seemed strangely appropriate. Gorlim's description of the Ring of Barahir is adapted from the Lay of Leithian.
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