Restore and Rebuild by polutropos

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Returning Home

A moment of hope as Dior and his family cross over the borders of Doriath. 

They have crossed Aros. When Dior’s foot falls on the spongy earth on the opposite bank, the soil thrums softly. He crouches to rest his hands against the ground and breathes in the scent of the land: damp, rich, with the faintest thread of something like lightning. 

Nimloth is beside him when he rises. Strapped snugly to her back, Elwing is wide awake now. Her mouth is pinched into a little ring and her huge, grey eyes stare up at the canopy. She lets out a gleeful giggle and kicks. The twins have already run ahead, unaware that they have just passed into another realm. 

“Welcome home,” Nimloth smiles and kisses Dior’s temple. 


Chapter End Notes

Prompt: Reborn (song) by Kids See Ghosts

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