Restore and Rebuild by polutropos

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Imperfect and Beautiful

Elros discovers something of Maedhros' that Maglor thought long ago broken and lost. 

“Caaaaano! What is this?” Elros’ shout came from Maedhros’ chamber. Hadn’t he just been in the room with him? Maglor was about to rise when he heard footsteps running over the floor.

Elros had a small bowl clasped between both hands. “What is this?”

Maglor stared at it. He hadn’t seen that vessel for many years and assumed it was lost. He had no idea Maedhros still had it. “Oh,” he said. “That’s…”He crouched to take a closer look. “That’s a bowl that Nel– Maedhros made when he was, well, not much older than you.”

Elros looked contemplatively at the object, turning it around. “What are the gold webs? Decoration?” 

There were indeed threads of some metal running through cracks in the bowl – gold seemed unlikely, unless it had been repaired in the forges of Amon Ereb some time ago, long before the war.

“I think,” Maglor said, “that those are meant to hold it together.”

"It's beautiful!" Elros held it out, marvelling.

"Yes," Maglor agreed, lowering himself to Elros' height to look at it more closely, "even more beautiful than it was."

Chapter End Notes

Prompt: Image of Kintsugi bowl. 

In canon verse I don't generally subscribe to the idea that Elrond and Elros called either Maedhros or Maglor 'father' or the like.

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