Postcards from Arda by Elleth

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Different Songs

Thanks to GG and Erulisse for the input on improving this.

Write a story or poem or create artwork that will illustrate the consequences of isolation.

For B2MeM 2011, Day Five: Different Songs: Lúthien learns to cope with the burden of mortality. (A drabble and a half according to Open Office.)

Dusk was settling, and the winds stilled. The waterfall's voice murmured in the evening air, and from the woods beyond the river the vespertine songs of the Laegrim were winding to a close. They did not sing at night, and she had adopted their custom coming here long years ago. Now her youth was spent, and no Girdle safeguarded this land. Much hinged on secrecy. Although the moon's pull on her to chant nightingale praises was strong, she could not sing. Harsh acceptance had her bar the door against the night, and rocked her to sleep in her husband's arms.

Come dawn, she rose to let jubilant birdsong lure her from the house. The early sun set the woods agleam and a lark winged into the chill airs to vanish against the light. Lúthien closed her eyes, waiting for its trills, and willed her voice into the same sharp mortal cadence.

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