Postcards from Arda by Elleth
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: A set of ficlets for B2MeM 2011 (continued for the Season of Writing Dangerously). New --- Day Twenty: As the new High King of the Noldor after the Dagor Bragollach, Fingon receives a reminder that not all is as grey as it seems. A double-drabble according to Open Office. Major Characters: Beren, Curufin, Edrahil, Elrond, Elros, Elves, Fëanor, Fingon, Gil-galad, Lúthien Tinúviel, Maedhros, Maglor, Míriel Serindë, Nerdanel, Original Character(s) Major Relationships: Genre: Drama, Experimental, Fixed-Length Ficlet, General, Het, Slash/Femslash Challenges: B2MeM 2011 Rating: General Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes |
Chapters: 16 | Word Count: 6, 218 |
Posted on 6 March 2011 | Updated on 4 August 2011 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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Table of Contents
Thank you, GG, for the nitpicking and patience, and the folks at the Lizard Council for their help. Mature themes are only hinted at.
Voltaire said that it's not enough to conquer: one must learn to seduce. Write a story or poem or create artwork where seduction plays a central role.
For B2MeM 2011, Day One. Helcaraxë entices and changes the Noldor.
MEFA 2011 Nominee. Thank you, grey_gazania!
Again, many thanks go to GG and the Lizards for their help.
Defiance is defined as the willingness to contend or fight. Write a story or poem or create artwork where the characters defy authority in some way.
For B2MeM 2011, Day Two. A young Gil-galad draws a conclusion about his future.
Thanks go, as per usual by now, to GG and the Lizards.
Some people have difficulty embracing changes and moving on. Write a story or poem or create artwork that shows the consequences of refusing to change.
For B2MeM 2011, Day Three: The Wedding Gift: Maedhros refuses to change an important aspect of his life. (Four drabbles according to Open Office.)
Once more thanks to GG and the Lizards.
"There would be no one to frighten you if you refused to be afraid." -Ghandi
Write a story or poem or create artwork where the character conquers his or her fears.
For B2MeM 2011, Day Four: The Office and the Instrument: Maglor and Curufin debate kingship, politics, and Maedhros' fate.
MEFA 2011 Nominee. Thank you, grey_gazania!
Thanks to GG and Erulisse for the input on improving this.
Write a story or poem or create artwork that will illustrate the consequences of isolation.
For B2MeM 2011, Day Five: Different Songs: Lúthien learns to cope with the burden of mortality. (A drabble and a half according to Open Office.)
Thanks to GG and the Lizard Council, once again.
Greed is good! Write a story or poem or create artwork that will prove or disprove this statement.
For B2MeM 2011, Day Six: Fire Unchecked: Fëanor leaves the Gardens of Lórien after his mother's demise. (A drabble according to Open Office.)
With thanks to GG and the folks at Lizard Council.
Write a story or poem or create a piece of artwork reflecting identification with or connection to one's land, country or culture.
For B2MeM 2011, Day Eight: Clouds Will Clear: After the defeat of Sauron in the Last Alliance, Elrond is left to pick up the pieces. (Mentions of Character Death.)
MEFA 2011 Nominee. Thank you, grey_gazania!
GG, LC, thank you.
A gentle breeze brushed the hilltop, combing the ruins...
Write a story or poem that starts with this line or create a piece of art that reflects this line.
For B2MeM 2011, Day Sixteen: Inviolate: Lúthien finds hope on the ruined isle of Tol-in-Gaurhoth. A drabble according to Open Office.
As per usual, my thanks to GG and the Lizard Council.
The cuisine of the Shire is unsurpassed. Write a story or poem, or create a work of art, featuring food.
For B2MeM 2011, Day Fifteen: Breaking Bread: Shortly after the attack on Sirion, Maglor and Maedhros endeavour to win the trust of Elwing's sons.
MEFA 2011 Nominee. Thank you, Himring!
GG and Lizard Council, many thanks for the nitpicking and help.
Overcoming prejudices is as hard in Middle-earth as in our primary universe. Write a story or poem or create artwork where the characters try to reach across racial or gender or any other barrier.
For B2MeM 2011, Day Seven: By Any Other Name: Maglor and his betrothed seek to negotiate differences and similarities between the Sindar and Noldor. (Rather more fluffy than the summary hints at.)
Once more thank you for the help and encouragement, GG and people at the Lizard Council.
Everyone avoided the tower. It was believed to have ...
Write a story or poem that starts with this line or create a piece of art that reflects this line.
For B2MeM 2011, Day Twenty-three: The Araman Tower: A monument has different meanings to different people. (A drabble according to Open Office.)
GG, thank you for the help with this one.
Write a story or poem or create artwork where the characters have to decide between loyalty or betrayal.
For B2MeM 2011, Day Nine: In Nargothrond, Edrahil has to choose between instinct and faith. (A drabble according to Open Office.)
Thanks to GG and the Lizards!
The act of kindness or hospitability usually comes from a generous heart. Write a story or poem, or create a piece of art where your character displays this virtue.
For B2MeM 2011, Day Eighteen: Diplomacy: Fingon seeks to negotiate a reconciliation with the Fëanorians at Lake Mithrim.
Thanks for the nitpicking and concrit, GG and Lizard Council.
Refugee issues are our issues; their plight is our plight. Write a story or poem or create artwork that illustrates the situation of some displaced group in Middle-earth.
For B2MeM 2011, Day Twenty-Two: An injured Fëanorian meets her end at the Havens of Sirion. Warnings for blood, violence and OC character death. A drabble according to Open Office.
Thanks for the beta, GG, and the concrit from the Lizard Council.
Write a story or poem or create artwork where your character battles and overcomes their darkest hour.
For B2MeM 2011, Day Twenty-Nine: In helping others, Nerdanel gathers strength to overcome her own grief. (A drabble according to Open Office.)
Thanks to the fantastic GG, Aria, and the Lizard Council for their help.
Write a story or poem or create an artwork in which a character unaccustomed to acting as a leader must make an important decision.
For B2MeM 2011, Day Twenty: As the new High King of the Noldor after the Dagor Bragollach, Fingon receives a reminder that not all is as grey as it seems. A double-drabble according to Open Office.
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