Postcards from Arda by Elleth

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Whatever Betide

GG, thank you for the help with this one. 

Write a story or poem or create artwork where the characters have to decide between loyalty or betrayal.

For B2MeM 2011, Day Nine: In Nargothrond, Edrahil has to choose between instinct and faith. (A drabble according to Open Office.)

Stories would claim that Curufin conjured up visions of dread and shadow with the very skill of minstrels to evoke the image of their songs. It was no lie - the Dark One himself was striding over Talath Dirnen to lay claim to Nargothrond. His fell beasts would devour all. With a clang, hollow, King Finrod's crown fell. All was lost. Many were already crushed into the panicked throng of bodies rushing toward the gates of the deeper levels.

Flee. Hide. Perhaps survive.

Edrahil wavered, turned around. He breathed out, fought, stood. Faith.

He stooped to pick up the crown. Whatever betide.

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