Postcards from Arda by Elleth

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Thanks for the nitpicking and concrit, GG and Lizard Council.

Refugee issues are our issues; their plight is our plight. Write a story or poem or create artwork that illustrates the situation of some displaced group in Middle-earth.

For B2MeM 2011, Day Twenty-Two: An injured Fëanorian meets her end at the Havens of Sirion. Warnings for blood, violence and OC character death. A drabble according to Open Office.

Sand crunched beneath the approaching steps. Idhlinn spat out a mouthful of choking blood and struggled to lift her head. Help was coming, surely - Havenfolk bore their living from the carnage, speaking softly as she would have done... but the shadow falling on her bore a knife.

"One of the kinslayers," went the alarm. "A Fëanorian!"

Cold words; the only blood on her hands had been in healing, never slaughter... but speaking was no option; she didn't have the strength to gain her voice through the pain.

Hands tore at her hair. Steel bit her throat.

Come homeward, child...

Chapter End Notes

Displacement (of the Fëanorians and people of Sirion both) may be less of an issue, but the consequences should be easily apparent.

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