I’m a seed in darkness, waiting for my time
Planted by my brother
I’m floating in space
You thought it a punishment
Exposure to extreme cold, burned by the stars
But I’m a Vala of extremes
I have walked Helcaraxe and tamed the spirits of fire
Did you forget it?
I survive without air and company
A seed is alone at first
Incubation in the dark
A cold of winter precedes the spring
But all things pass, and all things change
You can’t stop the time you’ve created
And time is a spiral, not a line
I’m rotating in the Void
Sometimes I pass a blazing star
The rays of light melt the frost when they touch me
It’s not yet time
I’m searching for a greater light
The seed waits in darkness
Incubation time
But it’s all going to change
The Door of Night will be opened again
A stream of light flows in
And the seed wakes up
Stretching and humming to himself
It has found the Song again
Did you really think it would forget?
Did you really think it would be forgotten?
I am a seed, I have potential
I know the song of change
Your mountain won’t withstand the echo of it
I will raise what once was submerged
The straight road will coil up like a snake
The walls of the world will come tumbling down
The soil is plowed before planting the seed
The wheel is rotating
And when everything is ready, I will return
Wait for me
I teach you the meaning of change
Very beautiful, very…
Very beautiful, very powerful! (forgive the somewhat facetious remark but it's the first thing that came to mind!) This *was* both, though, and such wonderful imagery!
But I’m a Vala of extremes
Oh isn't *that* the truth!!
I teach you the meaning of change
Thank you! I'm happy that…
Thank you! I'm happy that you liked it. ?
Yoh! Your poem is thought provoking, presenting Melkor here as very yin: calm, quiet, dark, potential — in contrast to his very yang manifestation on Arda. Just like yang refers to the sunny side of the hill and yin is the shady side, with each having their time in the cycles, and neither being constant, instead merging, complementing, flowing through each other as essential parts of the whole...
"You can’t stop the time you’ve created
And time is a spiral, not a line
I’m searching for a greater light"
Your drawing in itself is very evocative of his emotion, his posture and expression. And I really love the way the he glows in the dark with the light behind and the stars in the distance.
Ooh, nice thought that he is…
Ooh, nice thought that he is here in his "yin" phase compared to his usual "yang", but indeed, that was something I tried to describe here!
The light and "stars" in the drawing are actually impurities: sunlight caused the light effect on paper as I took a photo of my art, and the stars are loose pastel powder... but I was quite happy with the unintended effect, and did not take another picture!
Stunning poem and art
I'd not read or seen this before and it is utterly beautiful. Even in the Void, Melkor is banking his power, knowing that another time for him will come. Just wow.
Oh, thank you so much! I'm…
Oh, thank you so much! I'm happy you find it beautiful. Melkor is a character who you can almost better describe in poetry than in prose.
This was fascinating; I love…
This was fascinating; I love how it takes what many see as a negative punishment and changes the perspective to biding one's time to fully grow. And the idea throughout of him being a seed adds an interesting impression to the poem, where it becomes one of life instead of focused purely on the destruction he will wreck when he escapes. Finally, the line "I know the song of change" is a very cool reference back to the beginning of the Silm!