Major Upgrade to SWG Site Software

This past weekend, Russandol and Dawn completed a major update to the site's software, upgrading us from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9. This was an important upgrade but also a tricky one, as changes to the file structure between versions (why, Drupal, why??) meant that we also had to build in redirects so that existing links to our site would continue to work.

On September 19, 2022, we were thrilled to switch the lights back on to a Drupal 9 site. However, many minor issues remain that we are in the process of addressing. Just a friendly reminder that we maintain a page of known site issues that you can check; we will be updating here as we find new issues and fix those that have been reported. You can comment directly on the Known Issues page or email us if there is an issue we haven't listed that you need to report.

We greatly appreciate those of you who have reported issues and EVERYONE for being patient with us during the site outage last weekend and as we fix the final small problems with the site.

Posted on 24 September 2022 (updated 24 September 2022) by SWG Moderators