Fanfiction Book Club: Novelettes

Fanfiction Book Club - Novelettes - 25-27 November 2023

The Fall of the House of Usher ... The Birds ...The Little Prince ...The Call of Cthulhu ... what do they all have in common?

Answer: they all have word counts of 7.5k – 20k, and so meet the common definition of a novelette!

Often a forgotten middle child between the short story and novella, novelettes will be the focus of our next SWG book club on 25th-27th November hosted by Narya and polutropos. Submissions should be complete and in their entirety, and must meet the SWG criteria for a Silmarillion fanwork (these are pretty broad ... basically anything that isn't covered in detail in The Hobbit or the main body of The Lord of the Rings will qualify).

Sign-ups are now closed, but the book club is open to all who want to participate in the discussion! See below for the schedule.

Please endeavour to attend the sessions of at least two other authors. We won't enforce this as we know people will have other commitments throughout the weekend, but book clubs only work well when you are willing to engage with other fanworks besides your own!

You can participate in the discussions without signing up as an author if you prefer—there's no need to submit the form, and no minimum time commitment. Turn up to whichever sessions suit your schedule.

If you've never participated in one of our fanfiction book clubs before, our book club FAQ has more information.


Friday, November 25

Find the Friday book club schedule in your timezone.

18:00 UTC: Stars Above, Voice Within by Melesta

19:00 UTC: Break

19:30 UTC: wear this now in memory by starlightwalking

Saturday, November 26

Find the Saturday book club schedule in your timezone.

15:30 UTC: So do our Minutes Hasten to their End by maglor_my_beloved

16:30 UTC: Break

17:00 UTC: No Longer Mourn by JazTheBard

18:00 UTC: Break

19:00 UTC: Dream Walking by Torpi

20:00 UTC: Break

20:30 UTC: Hearken Still Unsated by polutropos

Sunday, November 27

Find the Sunday book club schedule in your timezone.

11:30 UTC: Inside Fëanor by 2Nienna2

12:30 UTC: Break

13:00 UTC: Living Reflections of Shadow by jamcake_muses


19:00 UTC: Touch of a Vanished Hand by elfscribe

20:00 UTC: Break

20:30 UTC: Gone with the Harp's Echo by Narya

Posted on 9 October 2022 (updated 2 December 2022) by SWG Moderators