Many Meetings by Gwanath Dagnir

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Fanwork Notes

(Originally published as a vignette-ish series of first encounters.)

Fanwork Information


Years after the Great War and the sinking of Beleriand, Elrond arrives in Lindon and meets Gil-Galad the High King, along with many other important figureheads in his company.

Chapter 1:
Elrond is greeted at the Gray Havens with a case of mistaken identity, and a delicate fact of his heritage arises in the king's hall. Later, Gil-galad learns the fate of the Silmarils and the unexpected motivation for Elrond's absence since the War.

Chapter 2:
Círdan returns to Mithlond with special guests at the king's behest. But Elrond's arrival is not a surprise to everyone, and one detail of his introduction to Gil-galad's court is of particular interest to Celeborn.

Chapter 3:
Galadriel steals some alone time with Elrond and learns more about his strange fate, while Elrond learns some Elvish history that isn't in the printed copy. Later, a guest with a surprising relationship inadvertently brings ghosts of the past to a dinner party, because Trauma.

Chapter 4:
Gil-galad summons a totally not secret council to formalize Elrond's placement in his court. No one could possibly have other machinations in mind, unless of course they always had. 

Major Characters: Elrond, Gil-galad

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General


Chapters: 4 Word Count: 16, 019
Posted on 13 October 2022 Updated on 29 December 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Many Meetings

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

Gwanath Dagnir has requested the following types of constructive criticism on this fanwork: Characterization, Fulfilled Intent, Style, Worldbuilding. All constructive criticism must follow our diplomacy guidelines.

This is a thoroughly enjoyable read, a charming mix of humour and thoughtfulness, with engaging dialogue and characterisations!

It's a novel idea for me, of Elrond wandering in search of M&M and thus unknown to Gil-Galad and the others.

I really enjoy the way you bring in little canon details, and blend in different versions of canon too, and also weaving these tidbits into the conversations.

A few highlights for me:

Over the years, I pleaded with Eärendil your father as well, but he would not overrule his cherished wife.

I like the way this reflects his later deferment to her choice to be Elven.

Círdan clasped a rope-calloused hand behind the Half-elf’s neck. “May they find the same peace that their parting made possible for those left behind,” he said. “Come to me one night when you are ready, we shall build water-lamps and set them adrift to carry their symbols beyond.”

So beautiful!!

You cannot miss [Galadriel & Celeborn] they are as tall as Círdan, and very shiny

Bwahaha! Love that!

Common elves would guess they heard a discordance of mannish nature in his voice, and they would be wrong: the unfamiliar tone is the sound of a force of nature filtered through the clothing of flesh, which the Half-elven inherited from the Maiar.


You Half-elven seem to have an innate ability to quash certain unspeakable horrors from your recollection – truly, it is a blessing that I envy.

Indeed, and I like the way you incorporated this whole comparison and concept.

The bells tolled, making her jump. “Mercy, those are obnoxious. Is dinner prepared, or is it invading?”


What part would they have had to sever from you, before waking one night to find a knife at their own necks?”  Undeterred, Elrond looked upon her with the same mercy she railed against. “My humanity.”


Celebrimbor had returned to his plate, more experienced than most at carrying on after unseemly eruptions of temper at the dinner table.

Ooh! Evoking explosive dinners going all the way back to his grandfather's table!

The ghost of an all-too familiar song came to him on the briny wind, one of remorse and of pain – one he had pursued for a futile lifetime, and finally left behind where it may haunt Arda’s shores for the rest of time counted.

Such a lovely image... Maglor, or his spirit, haunting the shores for ever...

whatever you earn here may be lost to you in the end, though Middle-earth shall reap the reward of your long toils.

Ouch. Bitter firesight indeed, yet true...

Thank you for this!