Such a lovely sight by chrissystriped

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Chapter Two

Mablung woke to pleasure coursing through his body. He moaned and arched his back, the plug vibrating gently inside him.

“Good morning, slave”, his Master whispered into his ear, his oil-slick finger circling Mablung's entrance before he slowly worked the plug out. Mablung whimpered at the emptiness. He’d come only yesterday, but his cock was already hard again. “Hmm, wanton little slave”, his Master crooned into his ear. “Don’t worry, I’ll fill you up again in a moment.” Mablung heard the clink of a bottle but didn’t turn his head to look. “Straddle me on your hands and knees, your head between my legs”, his Master ordered.

Mablung obeyed and was greeted by the sight of his Master’s cock jutting up proudly. He kissed the head and was awarded with a sharp intake of breath.

“You are allowed to take care of that, nethben”, his Master said with amusement in his voice and Mablung opened his mouth to take him in.

His Master pressed the freshly oiled plug slowly into him again to the widest point, Mablung’s hole stretching around it with a delicious burn. It started to vibrate and Mablung stifled a moan.

“Don’t hold back”, his Master chided. “I want to feel you moan around my cock.”

He moved the plug in little thrusts and Mablung shuddered with pleasure- and let his moans come freely as he took his Master deeper. He was well endowed and it had taken him a while to get used to his length, but now, when he felt the head of his Master’s cock against the back of his throat, he relaxed and let it slide down a little further.

The plug ground against his prostate, the vibrations intensifying at the same time, Mablung’s vision flashed and he almost came, his muscles clenching, trembling. His moan was even audible around the cock in his mouth – that must have felt good to his Master, who uttered a moan of his own and bucked his hips, but Mablung only registered that distantly.

‘Nononono!’, he thought desperately. ‘Please!’

He’d make his Master so angry, if he came without permission. He didn't want to repay his generosity with disobedience. And he was so afraid of the pain of punishment. He let his Master’s cock slip out a little to take deep, shuddering breaths through his nose, trying to calm the arousal that was raging through his body.


Melkor groaned loudly at the feeling of his slave’s throat vibrating around his cock, his hips jerked up, trying to push himself even deeper into that delicious sensation. Anger flashed up in him when the slave pulled back instead, but then he registered his tremble and his fearful Music and realised he’d almost come. Melkor stopped the vibrations of the plug and heard a grateful whimper.

He caressed the boy’s shivering thighs calmingly, enjoying the view of his reddened hole stretched around the plug and his hard cock, the head purple and leaking copious amounts of pre-cum on his belly. He’d make him lick that up later. Melkor shivered delightedly at the thought, his cock twitching between the boy’s lips.

“You are doing so well for me, nethben”, he praised, when the boy’s breath steadied and slid his hand up to lightly fondle his balls. “Holding your pleasure for me to command. I’m so proud of you. And you look so good, stretched around the plug, taking my cock so deeply.”

The slave took the cue, swallowing him again, his throat moving visibly. Melkor moaned both at the sight and sensation. He repositioned the plug so it wouldn’t touch the boy’s prostate and set it to vibrate only slightly to make him moan again. Then he let himself get carried away by that wonderfully tight, wet warmth around him. His fingers dug into the slave’s thighs as hot pleasure shot through his body, his hips snapping up, his balls constricting as he found his release in his slave’s mouth.

Melkor let himself sink back into the mattress, sated and body thrumming contentedly, enjoying the sensation of the boy’s soft tongue on his softening cock, cleaning him.

“Come here, slave”, he hummed, gently gripping his hair as he turned around and pushing his lips down on his chest. “You’ve made a mess, clean it up.”

The boy didn’t hesitate to lick his own pre-cum from his skin, he even dared to tease one of Melkor’s nipples with the tip of his tongue.

“No.” Melkor gripped his hair tighter in warning. He’d been lenient in these past weeks, but he would not allow too much initiative. He was his to command.

The slave shivered and continued his set task, kneeling back on his heels when Melkor let go of his hair.

“Please, herdir, punish me for my transgression”, he said with eyes cast down. Melkor rolled on his side, resting his head on his hand. He should, shouldn’t he. He slid his finger up the slave’s chest and flicked his nipple, drawing a hiss – and a twitch of his cock – from the slave.

“No”, he found himself saying. “Only a minor lapse of judgement, don’t let it happen again, or I will punish you. Now, don’t move.”

He lazily teased the nipple into a hard little nub, digging in his nail at the end, eliciting another moan that drew Melkors eyes to the slave’s face. His eyes, pupils blown wide and lashes wet with tears of pleasure, his flushed cheeks and his red lips, swollen from sucking his cock.

“You look so gorgeous”, Melkor said, sliding his hand down and caressing the skin of his thigh, teasingly close to the slave’s cock, but never quite touching it. He felt his muscles tremble under his hand, straining to not thrust into his touch. “I’m almost tempted to take you to court with me like that.” The slave gave a frightened whimper and paled, his cock flagging. “But I’m much too possessive to want them to see you like that”, Melkor hurried to add as he saw his reaction. “This is only for me.” He wrapped his hand around the boy’s cock and stroked him back to full hardness. “You are only mine, little slave, aren’t you?”

“Yes, herdir. Yours. Only yours. Completely yours”, the boy whispered.

It wasn’t completely true that he didn’t want to show him off, but he’d work on that another time. Melkor felt bad for frightening him, though not quite bad enough to change his mind from not letting him come this morning. He took his hand away, making his slave whimper.

“Stay like this until I’m gone”, he said with a smile. “You can wash yourself afterwards.”

Melkor gave the slave a slow kiss, biting his lower lip before letting go of him and standing up. He went to clean up and dress himself. Before he left, he turned back a last time, looking at the slave still kneeling in the same position, sweat running in pearls down his scarred back. Oh, he really looked so fucking good! His cock twitched in his trousers and Melkor had to force his thoughts back to his tasks for today or he’d never make it out of his room. But he looked forward to the evening, when he could play with his lovely little slave again, so much!

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