The Line of Kings by Michiru

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A Small Favor

Turukáno has an odd request.

First Age Year 53


            Angaráto was debating with Aikanáro the best way to keep the goats from getting into the rye crop when Turukáno arrived unannounced, unkempt and with the air of someone who had not had a square meal in days. Nevertheless, their cousin’s manners were as perfect as ever as he requested a brief audience with Angaráto. Aikanáro shrugged, and left to get a better idea of whether it would be possible to build a fence with materials the goats found naturally repulsive.

            “I have a small favor to ask you; do you have a map?” Turukáno asked, all in one breath, when Aikanáro had shut the door behind him.

            “Of course,” Angaráto answered, nonplussed.

“May I see it?” Turukáno asked sharply, even as Angaráto was reaching to retrieve the latest map of Dorthonion his cartographers had drawn up and was unrolling it atop his desk. Turukáno perched over it like a bird, frowning to himself as his eyes roved over the map.

            “You look hungry, cousin,” Angaráto ventured when Turukáno was silent for several minutes more.

            “No, no, no, I’m fine,” Turukáno waved, as though brushing dirt from the air. “Tell me, Angaráto, am I right in thinking that your settlement is to be mostly east of Anach and north?”


            “Excellent,” Turukáno murmured.

            “Are you well?” Angaráto asked bluntly; Nolofinwë’s middle son was inclined to strange behavior since Elenwë was lost to the Ice, and he could well understand the madness that itched beneath the skin of one who had lost half of himself. Turukáno looked up from the map at last, his eyes fever-bright, his face pale, hair wild.

            “Quite well. Thank you.”

Chapter End Notes

Came about when I was perusing a map of Beleriand and realized, “…Gondolin’s in Dorthonion.” And yes, technically, Turukáno wasn’t allowed to tell anyone about the city, but he technically didn’t say anything about Gondolin.

Also: I blame Carol Berg and her Lighthouse Duet for all the map references.

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