Renacimiento by oshun

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Elrond is a charming flirt with a massive crush who is saving himself for a special first time. I never pictured myself writing this one, but felt perversely attracted to it when I read the prompt. The recipient gave me a softer way out, the choice to go with another less controversial pairing. But after consideration, I fell for this one.

The title, Renacimiento is Spanish. I liked the sound of it and had just watched a Spanish TV show about the Renaissance when I needed a name. (Yes, it also means Renassiance).  What is wrong with English or even Quenya? I liked all of the multiple meanings my dictionary gave me for the Spanish word: rebirth, revival, renewal, etc. My hero and POV character Maedhros gets a little of all of that from the intrepid young Elrond. Like to think the encounter enriched Elrond's life as well.

Thanks to Ignoble Bard for the Beta. He has been with me all the way through this one from the first rough lines to the last touch up. Thank you also to Lilithlessfair, Pandemonium, and Russandol, who painstakingly went over this and offered their suggestions. I am not always fun to Beta, but I do appreciate how lucky I am to have such wonderful writers and friends willing to give me a hand.

Major Characters: Elrond, Elros, Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, Humor, Romance, Slash/Femslash


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Sexual Content (Moderate)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 8, 268
Posted on 15 February 2012 Updated on 15 February 2012

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Renacimiento

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I loved this, Oshun. This is your Maedhros and Maglor, I think, and this does read to me like something from your verse. Elrond is a gem in this, bird-bright and audacious. There is humour, but there's sadness like a continuous background note in Maedhros which really pulls my heartstrings. What a smashing gift for your Slashy Valentine recipient.

Thanks again! I hope I don't get carried away, but I am thinking a sequel in the POV of Elrond. It would be fun to try the completely different voice. Plus, I'm dying to tell people what he saw when he looked at Maglor and Maedhros--I've only done that in what I call cute-'lil-elfing fics to date.

Thank you so much! I am so happy you enjoyed it. I love Fingon and Maedhros, so it was some work for me to make it fit into my head in a way that would not offend me. I had less trouble once I started thinking about it with the age and foster father problem. I worried more about Fingon! It was fun. Thanks again.

What a beautiful story! Elrond was wonderful in this - bright, sensual and full of life. Maedhros was, as your Maedhros always is, magnificent. It seems to be a very light hearted story but there is a very sad undertone to it. Thank you for sharing this piece. Also, I am sure this incident left a positive impact on Elrond's life:)

So, things I like about this: all the thought you put into the setting and the background, both the general situation, how you sketch in the near-normal but not really normal character of the village and the near-normal but not really normal upbringing of the twins, and lots of small touches and details dotted all over, but especially in the first half: Maedhros responsible for sewage (I'd suspect an allusion but the theme has been cropping up all over the place after all!), sarcastic remarks about Turgon and Luthien and so on, the parody of Barbara Allen aka Sweet Lindir, etc.

I also like how you've shown what a complicated decision process for Maedhros this is, under the circumstances. Even when he's made up his mind, he still hasn't quite made up his mind, so to speak, and he's got his hesitations and doubts right until the end, as of course he would.

Elrond, of course, is special, despite being so ridiculously young! I suspect that at the end of the story he is about to become very, very angry, despite his relatively philosophical attitude... You said you were going to write a sequel from his POV, weren't you?

Well, to sum up: I liked both the funny bits, some of which are very funny,  and the sad bits, some of which are very sad indeed.  I liked the whole thing, and I think you did a sterling job with a very tricky subject.

Thank you so much! I actually had thought enough about the characters over the years that I was lucky to be apply that to a one-month deadline. The thing I hate about fic swaps is the requirement to invent a world and backstory for various characters in a few short weeks. Anyway, having that in my head made it a little easier to write.

The hard part was trying to imagine my Maedhros in-character making such a choice. I surprised myself that I could believe it. You are right. Elrond will be angry and yet Maedhros is also right, it's better to love and be loved, even if it is not the lifelong, earthshaking one that one hopes it will be, than not to love at all.

I am so happy you were able to enjoy it. I think one's hardest audience is always the writer who writes the same major characters. Thank you again for your kind words!!

I'm not sure exactly how I missed this story when I archive cralled through your work, but I'm glad I found it now. I was actually looking for this paring specifically, but the only other fic I found was an abuse fic that I had read a long time ago. Do you know of any others our there?

Anyway, I loved the pacing of the romance between them. As usual, you had some great one liners in there, too, and I absolutely adored the bit with Maglor intentionally singing badly.